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File monitor and registry monitor. Track file system and registry changes.
   RegRepair 2000
Fix IOS errors - cleans and compacts the Registry
   WinSafe 2001
WinSafe saves all information and restores your system back to operating
   3D Geometrical Objects
Represents prisms and pyramids in 3D space. Supports interactive 3D animation.
10 of the most requested Windows utilities
   HS MailPerfect
Virus, spam and unwanted email remover before downloading occurs
Numero is a calculator with some nice features.
   DoneEx INI-File Manager ActiveX
This ActiveX allows you manipulate with INI-file from any programming language.
   Optimum XP
Easily accelerate, secure, customize and tweak XP with powerful hidden settings.
   Tweaki...for Power Users
Configure, secure and manage Windows, MS Office and Internet Explorer.
Install and uninstall fonts easily!

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