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   Dynamic AutoComplete Tool
Improve usability of your WinForms application and save your users' time.
   HVEdit - TrueType Text Editor Font
Hi-Visibility Monospaced TrueType fonts for Text Editors.
   Add-in Express Toys for Excel and .NET
Is a free sample COM add-in that extends Microsoft Excel.
   DoneEx INI-File Manager ActiveX
This ActiveX allows you manipulate with INI-file from any programming language.
   HVDOSBox - Windows Terminal Fonts
A better font for Console mode and DOS boxes. More clarity and more sizes.
   HVRaster - Programmers Editor Font
A Windows screen font for Programmers.
   Compare And Merge
Compare and Merge: the File Compare Utility for Windows
   Magic Editor
Editor for Source Code, TXT, RTF, XLS files
   EaseSoft Barcode .Net Control
EaseSoft Linear Barcode Windows Form Controls support most barcode symbologies
3D OpenGL version of Sokoban with 380 levels.
   Vivid Report Free for C++ Builder 6
Powerfull library of report design components for C++ Builder and Delphi.
   Vivid Report Free for C++ Builder 5
Powerfull library of report design components for C++ Builder and Delphi.
   Vivid Report Free for Delphi 5
Powerfull library of report design components for C++ Builder and Delphi.
   Vivid Report Free for Delphi 6
Powerfull library of report design components for C++ Builder and Delphi.
   COMM-DRV/Lib Standard Edition
Professional serial communication library - DLLs for Windows & MSDOS Libraries
   Coded X-Word
Complete the cross word by substituting numbers with letters.
   HVFULLSC - Video Card and CPI Fonts
A clearer replacement for OEM VGA hardware fonts in CPI files and Video cards
Lists the installed Codec, and allows you to disable/enable them.
wodCrypt is a component that provides strong encryption for your applications
With HTMLlink you can easily create HTML source code for Internet links.

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